SK58 BirdersSK58 Birders

Indoor & Field Meetings
Updated 12 February, 2025


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© SK58 Birders 2025

est. 1992

website est. 1996

Monthly indoor meetings are held in the meeting room upstairs in The Loyal Trooper public house in South Anston, (see map below) on the last Tuesday of the month, except June, July, August and December. These commence at 1930 and finish at 2130 with a 15 min interval at 2030. Of course new members are always welcome. Events are planned only a month or two in advance. Please contact us for proposed future events. Contact us for further information.

Membership information

Printable Diary Dates PDF

We are a small group with a dedicated band of volunteers who give up their time freely for the benefit of the group. We are always on the lookout for assistance with events and help with the running of the group. If you can give just a few hours a month, to help advance the group and keep SK58 Birders moving forward- then contact any of the group organisers.

Indoor Meetings


25th February
Indoor Meeting

"Danube"- Paul Hill- A new speaker to us, but talking about a region with outstanding natural history, known to several of the group. 1930 in the upstairs meeting room of the Loyal Trooper, South Anston. What 3 Words: LT car park:

19th March

Indoor Meeting

Organisers Meeting- Here we decide what the group does and where the group goes. Anyone can come along and have their say and influence the group's activities. All very informal. 1930 in bar area of the Loyal Trooper, South Anston. What 3 Words: LT car park:

25th March
Indoor Meeting

"Jordan"- Mike Vickers- Mike makes a welcome return to the group, postponed from last year. Jordan in the Northern Arava Valley is an amazing location, great photographs guaranteed. 1930 in the upstairs meeting room of the Loyal Trooper, South Anston. What 3 Words: LT car park:

29th April
Indoor Meeting

"Northern Kruger"- Andrew Pickles- Following on from Andrew's enthusiastic and informative talk recently, he's coming back to tell us about the northern end of the Kruger National Park. 1930 in the upstairs meeting room of the Loyal Trooper, South Anston. What 3 Words: LT car park:

Field Meetings


Saturday Mornings March - October
Field Meeting

Open Hide - NAPT- With high water levels and some ground works at NAPT, the hide will be open between 0800-1100 on Saturday mornings. All welcome. A member of the group will be on hand to help with identification, to have a chat about local birds and the group. Meet at the hide: W3W:


16th February
Field Meeting

Carlton Wood- A cracking local wood, which is underwatched. Plus, a great time of year to catch up with woodland species. Meet 0800 at the Loyal Trooper car park or Carlton Church at 0815. Leader: Andy Hirst. If you intend meeting at the destination, please let the leader know, so we're not waiting at the Trooper.

What 3 Words: LT car park:

What 3 Words: Carlton Church car park:

10th March
Field Meeting
Monday Walk- Langold Lake- Our monthly Monday morning walk around Langold Lake. Returning to the cafe for sustenance for those that want to.1000 at the main road cafe. Cafe car park: Leaders: Geoff & Lyn Facer.
16th March
Field Meeting

"Raptor Watch" Kings Wood- A morning spent looking for raptors. Just turn up at Kings Wood corner, no fixed time. Someone will be there from 0800-1200, so just turn up when you like. Leader: Andy Hirst. Please note parking is limited here, so please follow onsite instructions.

What 3 Words: Kings Wood Corner.:

14th April
Field Meeting
Monday Walk- Langold Lake- Our monthly Monday morning walk around Langold Lake. Returning to the cafe for sustenance for those that want to.1000 at the main road cafe. Cafe car park: Leaders: Geoff & Lyn Facer.


The Loyal Trooper is located on Sheffield Road off the A57, in South Anston. Address; The Loyal Trooper, Sheffield Road, South Anston, South Yorkshire S25 5DT. The meeting room is upstairs above the bar.

Local trips, survey visits, trips further afield including weekend jaunts are planned seasonally. Please check back to this page for updates, or e-mail us .

A group focused on recording the bird life of a single 10km square between Sheffield, Rotherham & Worksop

content & design Andy Hirst