SK58 Birders
© SK58 Birders 2024
est. 1992 website est. 1996
4th September Just a word of warning, if you intend posting your Tetrad Atlas survey results in, please make a copy before posting! We know of at least one set of results which are lost in the post- such a waste after the the effort of carrying out the surveys, as well as a gap in recording coverage. 14th August Ray Sykes has sent in a couple of photos of a Dunnock with a seriously large tumour/ growth under its bill. The bird seems to feed well and other than the growth, seems healthy. 13th August In line with the latest BOU list, the Redpolls have been lumped back together, so now there are two species of Redpoll; Arctic & Lesser. Greenland Redpoll and Common (Mealy) Redpoll are downgraded to races/ sub-species. This means we've reduced the SK58 List by one, removing Common Redpoll. 7th August
those who've taken part in this years Tetrad Atlas Survey.
We're receiving
completed forms back with no names or tetrad letters so I've no
idea who or what they relate to. I'll have to wait until they're
all in and see which ones are unallocated. 26th July Following on from our images relating to the development of the hedgerow and trees at Axle Lane, Brian Chambers sent us this image of one of the Rowans which is berry laden at Axle Lane. Rowan Tree @ Axle Lane © Brian Chambers 24th July Our Membership Secretary, Richard Platts has a couple of surplus items. They are Notts. Bird Reports 1916-2020 and a book- Britain's Birds, an identification Guide. Richard has kindly suggested a £10 donation to group funds. Notts. Bird Reports - see Richard, Membership Secretary "Britain's Birds" ID book- see Richard, Membership Secretary 23rd July Just a reminder to those who took part in this years Tetrad Atlas Survey. Can you please complete and return your recording form(s) to Andy Hirst. There's no immediate rush. Any of the upcoming meetings will be fine, or they can be posted. 22nd July Following a visit to the Birdfair last week we sampled the new "Smart identification" tools. Its amazing how far they've come, and it set us thinking about how they might affect bird recording. They are a great learning tool and are highly useful as a guide as to what the observer is looking at or listening to, but such smart identification gadgets and apps should be used as just that- guides, and not be relied upon as definitive forms of identification. In response to recent technological advances in smart identification,i.e. Merlin bird app and smart binoculars, we've adopted the following policy: "Any species identified or indicated by smart apps or devices must be verified by the observer". Having used these devices myself I can appreciate their usefulness, but also their fallibility, so when a species is indicated by smart identification, a record can't be accepted unless followed up or verified by the observer, a record won't be accepted solely on the suggestion of a smart identification device or app. 17th July Mick Clay has forwarded the images below, showing how the tree planting/ hedge is developing along Axle Lane. The group planted these trees a few years ago now. Whitethroat nest in there as well as providing food and shelter for other birds and animals. Planted trees & hedge @ Axle Lane © Mick Clay Planted trees & hedge @ Axle Lane © Mick Clay 8th July Puffin within SK58 Birding is a funny business. Literally anything can turn up anywhere, any time, so always keep your binoculars with you! It's July, it's the post breeding season, most birders are looking at Dragonflies or butterflies, or in my case, household repairs as in theory it's a quiet time of year for birding, before the late summer wader passage gets underway, a time to catch up with those jobs which normally interfere with birding. Birders watching a Puffin @ Lock 23, Chesterfield Canal © Andy Hirst At 1344 yesterday I had a missed call from Sheffield birder Mark Reeder, then two missed calls from Mick Clay. I thought to myself, "Something good has turned up". Recovering the messages from my phone, revealed a Puffin had been reported at Turnerwood on the Chesterfield Canal (within SK58 & South Yorkshire) and Mick was duly off to investigate. The message came back that just a Mandarin had been located at Turnerwood. Was this a hoax, or someone seeing bright colours and making 2+2= 10, from Mandarin to Puffin!? Although to be fair, Mandarin did cross my mind. Why, and how would a Puffin make it seventy miles inland to a canal in July?! Puffin (back of camera) @ Lock 23, Chesterfield Canal © Andy Hirst Then at 1417 my phone lit up like a Christmas tree with pings & notifications as the first images came through. It was indeed a Puffin, but located further west along the Chesterfield Canal, by Old Spring Wood. Messages shot back and forth as to whether it was is Nottinghamshire or South Yorkshire, confirming it was in S. Yorks and definitely a Puffin within SK58 I grabbed my gear and set off for the 15 min drive to Turnerwood. Confirming with Mick it was at lock 23 towards Stiffy's, off I bounded. The nice lady from the café at Turnerwood enquired if I was "After the Puffin?", to which I replied "Yes", she then asked "It's on social media, have you any pictures?" To which I replied "Yes, but would you mind if I went to see it first?". I hurried towards lock 23, counting down the lock numbers as I made my way along the canal 33, 32, 31 23 seemed miles away, but as I approached Old Spring Wood the lock numbers rapidly decreased until from lock 24, I saw a group of people huddled around the lock gate at 23, one of them a beaming Mick Clay. Puffin release @ Filey Bay (image from South Yorkshire Birders FaceBook page) Sure enough there was a Puffin bobbing around in the shadow of the lock gate. It seemed quite fit and healthy. Just a long way from home. I took a few pictures then speculated as to how it ended up in a very land-locked SK58. There had been strong winds a few days before, but hardly gale force. Clearly the bird had followed several watercourses and decided to plonk itself by lock 23. A chap appeared with a net and shoe box, plans were afoot to catch the bird and release it at the coast. Luckily the Puffin stayed around the narrow lock gate and on the second attempt was netted, by leaning over and down to the lock and skilfully handled (worthy of any wicket keeper) into the box by Dave Hursthouse and Ian Cowgill. Unfortunately, a couple of late arrivals failed to see the Puffin in the lock and only glimpsed it once it was examined back at Turnerwood, no doubt wondering how long it would be until the next Puffin turned up locally so it could be an addition to their lists. As with any good story, it has a happy ending, with Dave Read making the journey to Filey and back, to release the Puffin, which looked eager to join its chums in Filey Bay. Puffin release- swimming off @ Filey Bay © Dave Read When
accepted, this will be the 203rd species for recorded in a wild
state within SK58 since 1992, and certainly the most bizarre and
unexpected record since the group's formation 32 years ago! Andy
Hirst, 8th July. 26th June Big Sit update- We've topped the £200 mark in sponsorship money. Many thanks to all who sponsored the Big Sit. This will help enormously with the costs of running SK58 Birders over the coming year. 19th June Its nearly three weeks since we undertook the "Big Sit" from the hide at NAPT, between 0400-2200 on 1st June. We topped out at 47 species, and so far we collected in around £170, which will all go towards ensuring we have quality speakers for 2024/2025 and pay the ever increasing costs of running a bird group like SK58 Birders- thanks to all who came down and offered support, especially those who provided drink, food and snacks! "Big Sit" 2024 @ NAPT © Andy Hirst
4th June Over at Shireoaks, the "Friends of Woodlands & Coachwood Green" are having a wildlife open day- see details below. 3rd May "Big Sit 2024" Every few years we hold a Big Sit. In a nutshell group members take over the hide at North Anston Pit Top (Dinnington Community Woodland) and record all the species of bird they see or hear from the hide between dawn & dusk. Its quite amazing just how many species can be recorded by just looking & listening from a single location. The record is an incredible 56 species. Andy Hirst "Big Sit" 2005 (less grey hair then) @ NAPT We are running the event again this year on Saturday 1st June, when Andy Hirst will spend the day at the hide, armed with flask and sandwiches to see him through the long day! To help boost group funds you can sponsor Andy (Sponsor form at the May Indoor meeting,or pledge by email). Anything over 45 species will be a bonus. Feel free to pop along on the day to see how we are getting on- cake would be welcome! Please consider sponsoring Andy to help boost group funds to help offset the soaring costs of running a successful group like SK58 Birders. 22nd April Tetrad Atlas Survey 2024 By now, all participants should be contemplating their first survey visits. Ideally late April/ early May for first visits, with second visits no sooner than 3 weeks after the first, ideally in late May into mid-June. IF FOR ANY REASON YOU CANNOT COMPLETE YOUR SURVEYS, PLEASE LET US KNOW! So they can be assigned, PLEASE JUST DON'T DO THEM. We aim to achieve 100% coverage so we can accurately monitor the areas birds. 21st April More from the archive. These taken from North Anston Pit Top in July 1993, when it was still a spoil heap for Dinnington colliery. Dinnington Sewage Works July 1993 @ NAPT © Andy Hirst Cramfit July 1993 @ NAPT © Andy Hirst 19th April A much awaited addition to the SK58 list and long overdue, were two Avocet at Hodsock yesterday morning, found by Bill Buchanan. Several SK58 birders managed to connect with these including the recorder who had to endure an hour and half drive from Bakewell at 1700, to get there for around 1900. Image on our latest page- a record shot as it was going dark, grey and raining! Update- still present this morning. 13th April At the March indoor meeting, we were entertained to a talk on Sherwood Forest. For the organisers of the group it was heartening to see such a good turnout- there were over 30 members in attendance, which meant the meeting had a great vibe with lots of chatting and interaction. Lets hope we can keep this going. Don't forget our ongoing offer- any member who brings along a new person, they can sign up for a year for free (they'll still need to pay the £1 meeting entrance fee). So lets all try and bring along a potential new member and keep the vibe going and show just what a great group SK58 Birders are, with terrific indoor meetings and fab local & regional field trips! 30th March All the tetrads have now been allocated in the SK58 Tetrad Atlas Survey 2024! Well done all! But if you want to get involved, I'm sure those who've taken tetrads wouldn't mind some company, especially if you want to learn the ropes. Have a chat with outr recorder if you want to be involved. 13th March A sterling effort so far by members in relation to the Tetrad Atlas Survey. As of today 17 out of the 25 tetrads have been allocated. We hope to allocate the remaining tetrads at the March indoor meeting. If you've undertaken the survey before, it would be grand if you can take part again and cover the same tetrads as before. 6th March There have been developments at NAPT (Dinnington Community Woodland). The site was a stronghold for breeding Lapwing, but in recent times the area around the wader scrape had become overgrown and unsuitable. Thanks to input by SK58 Birders and Mick Clay in particular, the whole area has been ploughed over and now looks great for Lapwing. Ploughed Area for Lapwing @ NAPT © Mick Clay Ploughed Area for Lapwing @ NAPT © Mick Clay 5th March We've had a key returned to us for the hide at NAPT, which means we have a spare key, giving access to the locked hide at NAPT. If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity, have a chat with our Recorder. To be a key holder just requires wardening the hide on a Saturday morning 0800-1100, between March & October on a rota, which usually equates to duties less than once a month. Of course it also means you have access to the hide 24/7 for your own birding. With water levels currently high at NAPT, it's envisaged we'll start up a rota soon. Duties aren't onerous:
20th February A reminder subs are now due for 2024. See Richard Platts, our new Membership Secretary, and put him to work ;-) 14th February We've a couple signed up for the Year List Competition already. Why not give it go, its not too late. Try and see as many species as possible within SK58 within the year. Adds another dynamic to local birding, and makes you look for all the species, common as well as the more elusive! Sign up today! 31st January Last night was our AGM. A few changes and an initiative. After 20+ years Lyn Facer is stepping down as Membership Secretary. We welcomed and voted in Richard Platts as new Membership Secretary. Our thanks to Lyn for all the years of service and to Richard for taking on the role. You've some boots to fill! We are also launching an initiative to boost membership. Our Treasurer, Farrell, gave a short presentation stating "SK58 Birders are an endangered species, with only 57 left in the wild!!" He's not wrong. See slides below. 26th January 2024 is a Tetrad Atlas Year, so just a heads up that from February, we'll be looking for volunteers to take on one or more of the 2km x2km squares that make up SK58. Ideally we aim for the same folk to cover the same squares they did previously for consistency. We'll launch this years survey at the February indoor meeting. For new members, the survey is run every two years, whereby on two, one hour visits, you record all the adult birds within your 2km x 2km square, by walking a predetermined route, taking in varying habitats. 2nd January Just a reminder to all, to submit your 2023 records as soon as possible so we can put the 2023 records to bed. Also a reminder that subscriptions are due at the January meeting. Some of us were out on New Years Day and we had a really good day. It prompted us to reinstate our Year List competition. Its great fun and provides a focus for local birding/ recording. If anyone wants to take part, simply let the recorder know and at the end of each month send your tally for the year so far. Its just a bit of friendly fun and the winner receives a glossy certificate at the end of the year. 19th December Is a smart phone on your Christmas list? Did know SK58 Birders has it's own Bird News Service? We have a "WhatsApp" group dedicated to broadcasting immediate bird news to members. It works on either iPhone and Android phones. Simply search, download and install the free "Whats App" app from the store on your device- then let our Recorder have your mobile phone number. You'll be added to the group, and then you'll receive news and updates on SK58 Birds straight to your phone as well as being able to broadcast to other members, any good birds you find within the square. 12th December Wishing members, organisers and visitors to the website, "A Very Happy Christmas! & Very Best Birding Wishes for 2024". |
A group focused on recording the bird life of a single 10km square between Sheffield, Rotherham & Worksop content & design by Andy Hirst |