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SK58 Birders
© SK58 Birders 2025
est. 1996
complete list of all species recorded and accepted in an apparent wild
state within the boundaries of SK58 this year. Now following the
British Ornithologists Union. 2017. The British List: A Checklist
of Birds of Britain (9th edition). Ibis 160: 190-240.
Species List Yearly Archive
B Blackbird
2. BC Blackcap
3. BF Bullfinch
4. BH Black-headed Gull
5. BL Brambling
6. BO Barn Owl
7. BT Blue Tit
8. BX Black Redstart
9. BY Barnacle Goose
10. BZ Buzzard
11. C Carrion Crow
12. CA Cormorant
13. CB Corn Bunting
14. CC Chiffchaff
15. CD Collared Dove
16. CG Canada Goose
17. CH Chaffinch
18. CK Cuckoo
19. CM Common Gull
20. CN Common Tern
21. CO Coot
22. CR Common Crossbill
23. CS Common Sandpiper
24. CT Coal Tit
25. CU Curlew
26. D Dunnock
27. DN Dunlin
28. DO Dotterel
29. DV Feral Pigeon
30. EG Egyptian Goose
31. FC Firecrest
32. FF Fieldfare
33. G Green Woodpecker
34. GA Gadwall
35. GB Great Black-backed Gull
36. GC Goldcrest
37. GD Goosander
38. GE Green Sandpiper
39. GG Great Crested Grebe
40. GH Grasshopper Warbler
41. GI Goshawk
42. GJ Greylag Goose
43. GK Greenshank
44. GL Grey Wagtail
45. GN Goldeneye
46. GO Goldfinch
47. GP Golden Plover
48. GR Greenfinch
49. GS Great Spotted Woodpecker
50. GT Great Tit
51. GV Grey Plover
52. GW Garden Warbler
53. H Grey Heron
54. HF Hawfinch
55. HG Herring Gull
56. HH Hen Harrier
57. HM House Martin
58. HS House Sparrow
59. HY Hobby
60. J Jay
61. JD Jackdaw
62. JS Jack Snipe
63. K Kestrel
64. KB Black Kite
65. KF Kingfisher
66. L Lapwing
67. LB Lesser Black-backed Gull
68. LE Long-eared Owl
69. LG Little Grebe
70. LI Linnet
71. LO Little Owl
72. LP Little Ringed Plover
73. LR Lesser Redpoll
74. LS Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
75. LT Long-tailed Tit
76. LW Lesser Whitethroat
77. M Mistle Thrush
78. MA Mallard
79. MG Magpie
80. MH Moorhen
81. ML Merlin
82. MP Meadow Pipit
83. MR Marsh Harrier
84. MS Mute Swan
85. MT Marsh Tit
86. MU Mediterranean Gull
87. N Nightingale
88. NH Nuthatch
89. OP Osprey
90. P Grey Partridge
91. PE Peregrine
92. PG Pink-footed Goose
93. PH Pheasant
94. PO Pochard
95. PW Pied Wagtail
96. Q Quail
97. R Robin
98. RB Reed Bunting
99. RC Rock Pipit
100. RE Redwing
101. RK Redshank
102. RL Red-legged Partridge
103. RO Rook
104. RP Ringed Plover
105. RT Redstart
106. RU Ruff
107. RW Reed Warbler
108. RX Red-necked Grebe
109. RY Ruddy Duck
110. RZ Ring Ouzel
111. S Skylark
112. SD Stock Dove
113. SE Short-eared Owl
114. SF Spotted Flycatcher
115. SG Starling
116. SH Sparrowhawk
117. SI Swift
118. SK Siskin
119. SL Swallow
120. SM Sand Martin
121. SN Snipe
122. ST Song Thrush
123. SU Shelduck
124. SV Shoveler
125. SW Sedge Warbler
126. T Teal
127. TC Treecreeper
128. TD Turle Dove
129. TO Tawny Owl
130. TP Tree Pipit
131. TS Tree Sparrow
132. TU Tufted Duck
133. W Wheatear
134. WA Water Rail
135. WC Whinchat
136. WH Whitethroat
137. WK Woodcock
138. WM Whimbrel
139. WN Wigeon
140. WP Woodpigeon
141. WR Wren
142. WS Whooper Swan
143. WT Willow Tit
144. WW Willow Warbler
145. WX Waxwing
146. Y Yellowhammer
147. YW Yellow Wagtail
Monthly Recording sheet Click
for free Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader.
Microsoft Excel Monthly Recording form This
can be printed off and posted, or emailed back to SK58 Birders as an
attachment or:
the SK58 Birders Recorder
Information required when submitting a description.
Rarity Description Form PDF
1 Species for which a licence is required to approach an active nest
Recording and Description Records
The following species require supporting descriptions.
Any national rarity designated by the British Birds Rarities Committee.
- Any
species not recorded in grid square SK58 (see map for boundary) since
the groups formation in 1993 will also require a description.
- The
recorder upholds the right to request a description if he/ she considers
a record particularly unusual.
- All
of the following species: Red-necked Grebe, Black-necked Grebe,
Gannet, Bittern, Great White Egret, White Stork, Bewicks Swan, Brent
Goose, Egyptian Goose, Garganey, Scaup, Eider, Honey Buzzard, Black
Kite, Marsh Harrier, Montagu's Harrier, Goshawk (away from known
areas), Corncrake, Common Crane, Dotterel, American Golden Plover,
Sanderling, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank, Wood Sandpiper,
Arctic Skua, Mediterranean GulI, Iceland Gull, Glaucous Gull, Kittiwake,
Sandwich Tern, Arctic Tern, Black Tern, Woodlark, Richard's Pipit,
Rock Pipit, Yellow-browed Warbler, Wood Warbler, Firecrest, Golden
Oriole, Great Grey Shrike, Woodchat Shrike, Twite, Lapland Bunting,
and Snow Bunting.
- Where
applicable, all field descriptions will be passed on to the relevant
committees of the Yorkshire Naturalists Union and the British Birds
Rarities Committee for consideration. Descriptions are required for
all species on the list without exception. Records with no description
or which are rejected by the relevant county records committee will
not be published by SK58 Birders. All records and species descriptions
should be sent to the SK58 Recorder:
- Andy
Hirst, email: 07947 068125.