SK58 BirdersSK58 Birders

Group News 2005
Updated February 25, 2019


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10/12/05 In January is the groups AGM. If you would like to be nominated for any of the positions (see contacts page) or would like to nominate someone, then please let Mick Clay know before the AGM itself. New recruits are always welcome.

28/09/05 A couple of new items in the Gallery, the interview (see below) in the Dinnington Guardian, and a few stunning images from Janet Alsop and Clive Gretton, of our latest breeding Long-eared Owls.

06/09/05 Today Brian Chamber and Andy Hirst met a reporter from the Dinnington Guardian, at the hide, for an interview about SK58 Birders. We looked back at how the group was formed, what we do, where we do it and out thoughts on the development of NAPT. Watch this space for details.

03/06/05 The groups Big Sit event was a huge success. The idea was for the new hide at NAPT to be manned from dawn until dusk on May 30th, and all the birds recorded. Between 25-30 people attended the event, raising the profile of the group. The new nature reserve and £100 in sponsorship towards group funds.Andy Hirst @ the 'Big Sit'My thanks to all who attended, especially Brian Chambers, Mike and Pam Murphy and Steve Wilson.

26/03/05 Just a reminder that annual subscriptions are due in April. Yet again the costs have been held for another year, although they will go up next year.

01/03/05 Over the half-term break someone tried to break into the hide, being soundly constructed they failed to gain entry, but did minor damage to one of the viewing flaps, bending back a corner, and in so doing lodging their crow bar firmly in place. Hopefully once fully open, with regular attendance by the Forestry Commission and group members, it won't be left unattended for long periods.

21/02/05 Please remember there is no indoor meeting in February as the room in the Loyal Trooper is unavailable. James Smith is the Forestry Comission ComJames Smith & Andy Hirstmunity Ranger-we look forward to working with him and the Comission at NAPT.

14/02/05 The group yearlist competition has got off at last. So far 2 members have handed their monthly lists in, Mick Clay and Andy Hirst. It's not too late to enter, and all to play for. Andy's on 79 and Mick on 68.

31/01/05 Our new year kicked off with our AGM. Everyone was re-elected to their respective posts after giving their respective reports. (See contacts page for who does what). Following this David Morris from Thrybergh gave an intriguing talk about his 6 month stint in The Kimberly, Australia, studying birds.

25/01/05 Please don't forget the groups Annual General Meeting, where you can find out what we have all been up to over the past year, and what we've done with your money. Nominations for elected posts to Mick Clay before the meeting (contacts page).

This year we are running an SK58 Year List competition. Basically you keep a list of the bird species you see during the year within SK58. Each month we have a running tally of all those taking part. At the year-end we all get together for a meal and the person who has seen the most species in the year has their meal paid for by everyone else. It's all a bit of fun, and is meant to encourage you to go out birding in SK58 and submit your records. Contact Andy Hirst (contacts page) if you want to take part.

A group focused on recording the bird life of a single 10km square between Sheffield, Rotherham & Worksop

content & design by Andy Hirst