SK58 BirdersSK58 Birders

Group News 2003-B
Updated February 25, 2019


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19/12/03 Our now traditional Christmas curry, was again a roaring success. 27 people enjoyed fine food and good company in the Bengal Tandoori. I think we will need more excuses to return here!

15/12/03 Our last indoor meeting of the year was well attended, when the RSPB's Keith Clarkson enthusiastically explained the work of the RSPB, locally.

24/11/03 We have just added a couple of new links to our links page, as well as adding our December and new year events

29/10/03 Mick Turton from Barnsley returned to give the group another entertaining and enthusiastic talk. This time he illustrated a talk on New Zealand. A thoroughly entertaining talk and much appreciated by the group.

5/10/03 Hot on the heels of our weekend trip, we returned to the east coast, this time to Flamborough Head for our annual twitchers trip. Seawatching was intended to be just the morning activity, but we ended up seawatching until mid afternoon. Lots of movement including skuas, with many Great, and several Pomarine going through. Many Little Gulls flew N, Although a steady stream of Little Auk were the highlight for me. There was also a steady movement of Manx Shearwater with a few Sooty Shearwater thrown in for good measure. At Filey it was too windy to give the hedges a proper going over, but we tried. While Mick and Brian walked either side of a hedge, the remainder of the group yelled in desperation to point out a Hoopoe, that miraculously appeared unnoticed in front of the two. Eventually they saw it, as did most of Filey!!

27-28/09/03 The group had another superb weekend away at Spurn. The weekend began with a Barn Owl on the way. Each morning we went sea-watching, this was very rewarding Sooty Shearwaters were seen, with lots of Red-throated Divers moving south. There was lots of Skuas recorded, mostly Arctic, but the occasional Pomarine and Great Skua noted. The highlights of the sea-watching were juv. Sabines Gull north and a Leach's Petrel the same day. Passerines were also found. As predicted the easterly winds brought in Red-breasted Flycatchers, Yellow-browed Warblers (several), plus a very obliging Barred Warbler. Common migrants were a bit thin on the ground, but with a lively sea and decent passerines we weren't too bothered. As ever we stayed in the Crown and Anchor. The accommodation was fine, except for a red hot shower in my room, which couldn't be turned down. The food was fine, as was the atmosphere. The sweepstake on what new bird would be recorded the following day was won by non-other than Brian Chambers. All in all another great trip, great company and even better birds. If you didn't go you missed another good un!

26/09/03 Phil Palmer gave another superb talk at our indoor meeting on Wednesday night, the subject the Sea of Cortez, in Mexico. Again illustrated with top quality slides, Phil explained how varied the area is not only for birds, but for Whales and Dolphins.

26/09/03 At long last our 1999 report is out. Copies available immediately, click on the link below

15/09/03 Our 1999 bird report is at the printers.

13/09/03 Our video production crew were out again this weekend, this time recording on tape the development of the pit tops. All this footage will be used in videos covering North Anston Pit Tops, before, during and after the redevlopment, as a well as a site guide to the top 10 birding sites in the square.

30/08/03 Our monthly trip witnessed four hardy souls venture out at some ungodly hour to Flamborough. It was blowing easterlies, but anticipation of good seabird passage was high. In between the heavy showers little moved. Although Manx Shearwater were almost constantly moving north. A mix of Sooty Shearwater, and Arctic Skuas and single Red-throated Diver entertained the four. After a hearty breakfast we did the hedges of Old and New Fall. Alas the easterlies did not produce anything of note. We headed off to Spurn in search of eastern vagrants. The Arctic Warbler eluded us, as did the Wryneck. Although a smattering of common migrants did liven things up. Basically a nice day out, but was was very much missable bird wise!!

26/08/03 The group tried out it's super-dooper new lens, filming Golden Plover at Axle Lane. A snippet of the results can be seen on our latest bird news page.

01/08/03 Bookings are now being taken for our annual weekend trip to Spurn on September 27th/28th. Our annual visits here always turn up something good. This time of year anything can turn up, so be there or dip out! Spaces are limited (lack of accommodation), so see Mick ASAP to guarantee a space. We normally set off early on Saturday morning, have a full day in the field, then retire to our accommodation, before relaxing in one of the local pubs. A superb weekend is always had by all.

30/07/03 A departure from our normal subject at the monthly indoor meeting last night. Barbara Adams from the South Yorkshire Badger Group talked with passion and enthusiasm about the lifestyle, threats and work the SY Badger Group undertake to protect and help badgers locally. Anyone wanting more information on the SY Badger Group, then please email Mick Clay

18/07/03 At long last our 1999 report has gone to the printers. Our apologies for the delay. We tried a use several editors, but the system failed us-hence the delay. Our report should be with us at the end of July. Work has already begun on the 2000 report.

12/07/03 Brian and Andy did sterling work at today's Harthill Carnival. We talked to lots of people and told them about the group, as well as handing out lots of leaflets. Brian's silver tongue resulted in record sales of our reports-well done Brian

02/07/03 We are on the lookout for volunteers again. On Saturday 12th July we will have a stand at the popular Harthill Carnival. Again we will have our display, plus reports as well as our videos and a demo of this website. Any help, even for an hour or so would be helpful. Contact Mick or Andy if you can help.

A group focused on recording the bird life of a single 10km square between Sheffield, Rotherham & Worksop

content & design by Andy Hirst