© SK58 Birders 2025
est. 1992 website est. 1996
28/12/01 Our annual post-Christmas walk was a bit of a 'blow out' with gale force winds battering the brave! Despite the grim weather a few birds were noted on a walk between Woodsetts and Carlton in Lindrick, although nothing out of the ordinary was noted, except for a Cormorant which appeared to crash land near Carlton Lake! Although the species list was not great, the habitat looked very impressive, with some nice Hawthorn hedged bridleways to the S of Woodsetts. Our thanks to Chris Lilley for taking the day off work and ably leading the walk. As usual we retired to a pub for a pint and some snap! 21/12/01 Our annual Christmas buffet was another success, with excellent food provided by the Loyal Trooper. Thanks to Jeff Carlin for the entertaining quizzes, and to all for providing items for the raffle which raised over £90-Can't wait for next Christmas. 13/12/01 Following a talk to a local group last night, we found out that a long awaited, and predicted species has already occurred in the square. Sheffield birder Andy Deighton (Sheffield Bird Study Group) recorded a Raven over S. Anston on 26th March 2000. Thanks for that Andy! He joins a fairly exclusive club-A finder of 'firsts for the square' 09/12/01 Our monthly trip saw just 3 members head to Fairburn Ings and Blacktoft Sands. Despite the grim weather, it was extremely foggy and dull, we did pick up a good selection of wildfowl, along with a Little Egret at Lindike. The late afternoon was spent at Blacktoft Sands. The further east we went, the foggier it got. Blacktoft was basically a waste of time. Non the less, the trip out of the square was a pleasant departure 30/11/01
new article in the press release section of the gallery 29/11/01 Our Monthly meeting. We were enlightened as to the work of the Chesterfield Canal Trust, formerly the Canal Society. The Chesterfield Canal runs through the lower half of SK58, from Kiveton to Worksop, through some of the more scenic areas of the square. During their long history the society have, and continue to achieve so much. A super talk vividly illustrated by slides showing the Chesterfield Canal as it was and what it is and will become. The trust have to be congratulated for their voluntary work, which has resulted in many sections of the canal becoming navigable, occasionally building/ renovating locks from scratch. Their ability to generate funds and coerce councils to divert/ rebuild bridges and roads is astounding. I hope we as a group can have a similar impact when dealing with Yorkshire Forward, when attempting to regenerate the various pit tops in our area. Those who missed this meeting, missed a treat. 04/11/01
In the just released volume of the Birdwatchers Year Book 2002,
our website was highlighted as one of 02/11/01 DON'T FORGET OUR CHRISTMAS DO........ 21st December at the Loyal Trooper, as ever we shall enjoy the excellent buffet with plenty of drink to wash it all down. Tickets in the range of £7-7.50, from Jeff Carlin-01709 540564. Tickets in advance only. Addition
to thew website-On
the Species List 31/10/01 Our monthly meeting was centered very much on practical conservation in the area, and the importance of detailed accurate records. Andy Hirst, our recorder gave a short piece on why we record our birds and illustrated how our square is ever changing. Ben McCarthy, RMBC Ecologist highlighted his work and what we can do that is mutually beneficial. 24/10/01
As a result of our monthly organisers meeting, we've had
a bit of a cabinet reshuffle. Mick Clay will take overall responsibility
from the group and become Chairperson, freeing up Andy Hirst to catch
up with our report production, which has fallen behind, and to oversee
our video projects. 14/10/01
Modest movements over the weekend resulted in an excellent 8 Stonechat,
with Jack Snipe and an influx of thrushes, Siskin and Redpoll. Latest
Bird News 08/10/01 A week on from our Spurn adventure and we returned to the East Coast. A significant lack of twitchable birds meant a return to the old favourite of Flamborough Head. Just 4 members and 2 friends of members headed east towards the dawn, arriving at a blustery Flamborough. A walk around the lighthouse area produced lots of Wheatear, 4 Stonechat, Peregrine, with small numbers of Red-throated Divers and auks on the sea. A walk down the Old Fall Hedge was unrewarding, so we set off for Filey Dams and a reported Barred Warbler, which had disappeared when we arrived. Undeterred we went out on Filey Brigg and ticked half a dozen or so Purple Sandpiper. We called at Bempton on the way back home and had great views of both Long and Short-eared Owls, returning home in atrocious driving rain. Despite this a great day was had by those that made the effort! 01/10/01 The group again spent a great weekend in the Spurn area. The weather on Saturday was poor, although it brightened up by tea-time, incredibly the group (of 4 hardy souls) managed to dip on Red-backed Shrike on Beacon Lane, Wryneck at the Wire Dump and Yellow-browed Warbler by the Crown and Anchor, despite this we did find our B+B and had a hearty meal. The following day dawned bright and clear and we at last cleaned up on the all dips from yesterday, except for the Yellow-browed Warbler. We left mid-afternoon and headed for the Green Heron at Messingham, near Scunthorpe. Standing away from the main 'zoo' of twitchers we saw the bird in flight after it had gone unseen for several hours. The 'zoo' then descended on our position, where we happily gave directions to the appreciative crowd. This topped off a great if not damp weekend. 28/09/01 Our second bid for Lottery Grant money was again successful, we received news today that our grant for £5000 has been approved. We will use the money to purchase video equipment to record the birdlife, the changing habitats and group projects. This will create a permanent visual reference to the ever changing area that we call SK58. 26/09/01 Our first indoor meeting since the break in August. We were treated to a very entertaining talk by veteran speaker Pete Brown, this his fourth visit to SK58. The subject of his talk was Goa, a place he has now visited several times. If you fancy a trip to Goa then have a chat with Pete, his enthusiasm will certainly make you want to go there. Ongoing work on the pit tops was also discussed at length, as was the log of sightings, as it covered the late summer and early autumn periods. 14/09/01 The Barn Owls have been seen again, click on the gallery image above or to the left and follow the link to the Barn Owl page. The bridge at Roche Abbey remains closed until further notice. You can still visit the pond, just duck under the fence that bars your way, by the waterfall;as you follow the track clockwise at the abbey. We
have also added a couple of links from this site to Rother
Valley Country Park and the Sheffield
Bird Study Group; both useful and interesting websites Links
Page 11/09/01 Please note the bridge over the brook at Roche Abbey, near the information building is cordoned off. You can still check out the pond by walking clockwise around the abbey and return via the same route. The bridge is unsafe and has been closed for safety reasons. 28/08/01 It's been an excellent week for local birding. The past week has produced Dotterel, Red Kite and a new bird for SK58-Black-tailed Godwit. Click on the latest link to the left to see all the details All the money from the Sponsored Bird Race is now in. The 4 teams raised an amazing £95. Andy Hirst and Arthur Creasey raised an impressive £69.76 between them. The 24 hour period produced a close finish. The winning team of Mick Clay and John Shepherd saw 88 species, Andy and Arthur were second with 87 species and Brian Chambers and Chris Lilley were third with 86 species. The money will go towards the production of the groups award-winning annual report 14/08/01 The released Barn Owls have been sighted, go to the 'latest' page, or gallery above for latest news 12/08/01 Last year several members made a promotional video for SK58 Birders. A new video page in the gallery section shows video grabs from the video. Copies of the video available from Andy Hirst 10/08/01 In today's issue of the Dinnington Guardian there is a photo and a piece about our petition to try and secure the provision of wader scrapes on the former colliery spoil heaps at North Anston/ Dinnington and Kiveton. The petition topped over 1800 signatures, showing the strength of feeling-see the article in the press clipping page in the gallery (click on the gallery image above). More revisions and additions to the site, A new Barn Owl page has been added, click on the gallery image and go the Barn Owl Link. IF YOU SEE A BARN OWL IN THE AREA PLEASE REPORT WHERE AND WHEN YOU SAW IT, TO MICK CLAY OR ANDY HIRST 04/08/01
couple of revisions to the site, we now have images from the Farnes
in the gallery page as well the Waxwing at Carlton that hung around
until May. 01/08/01 Yet again the SK58 Annual Bird Report does amazingly well in the 'British Birds' Magazine Annual Report Awards. This year we came 2nd in the small groups category-Beaten by 1 point by Manchester. Our 98 report was up against larger groups (we have 60 members) who had their 99 reports out. If we had produced our report within 12 months of the year-end we would have gained an extra 5 points and would have won yet again. We aim to try and get back on track with our report production soon.
25/07/01 Our monthly indoor meeting, we were entertained and educated about the lives and species of Dragonfly-(truly a birders insect) found locally by local naturalist and Head Ranger for Rotherham-Ivan Machin. After the excellent slide show Ivan showed the group examples of larvae and shed skins, as well as several live specimens, enabling many members their first close-up experience of this very ancient, yet remarkable insect-'truly a birders insect' 04/07/01 Several members enjoyed a memorable evening on Budby Common. Excellent views of Woodlark, Long-eared Owl in flight and Nightjar were rewards for staying out until late evening 01/07/01 The group have applied for further lottery money. Following our successful application last year we are now applying for the full £5000 to provide the group with a video camera and editing suite to record the birdlife and changing habitats within SK58, for future historic reference 30/06/01 Several members and local ringer Harry Vilkaitis assisted with the ringing and first stage release of Barn Owls at the North Anston Butterfly House-as part of a local reintroduction scheme planned by the staff at the Butterfly house. Images now in the gallery area of the website (click on the gallery above or to the left). The same day several members manned a stall at the Dinnington Festival, although sales were low (of our reports), we did talk to many people including local MP's, who were sympathetic and supportive to our campaign to regenerate the old colliery sites with wildlife in mind. 28/06/01 A count of Sand Martins at Brown Baileys produced an impressive 82 occupied nest holes-an excellent year 27/06/01 A slightly different monthly meeting; having walked around Roche Abbey for many years we thought it high time we actually had a proper guided walk here, in the company of warden Les Halford. Les gave us a terrific 2 hour tour explaining the turbulent history from the abbey's construction by Cistercian monks, to present day. A superb night, if you missed it, then you missed a treat 22-24/06/01 The group enjoyed a terrific weekend on the Farnes, Northumberland. An early start on Saturday morning was required to meet the midmorning 'birders' boat trip to the islands. The group were reward with excellent views of all the usual avian inhabitants of these low-lying islands. Several members had Arctic Terns actually perch on their heads , whilst other members ran the gauntlet of being dive-bombed by hostile Arctic Tern parents; over protective of their young Pictures now in the gallery (click on the Gallery image above) |
A group focused on recording the bird life of a single 10km square between Sheffield, Rotherham & Worksop content & design by Andy Hirst |